Saturday 30 March 2013

Preparation&Rehearsal-Animal Characteristics

Throughout the rehursal process and introducing ourselves to the monologues we done a variety of emphasised excersies to help influence our final performance of the monologues on audition day.

An excerised we done included the use of physically embodying certain animals and interperating how an animal would be if they were a person.

For example:

We first emobided characteristics of a Gorilla- I interpreted this to be bold and male like. To portrey this i used a wide space with the wide shoulders and a big heavy walk. I also had my head heald high as gorillas are normally powerful and dominant.

Next we emobdied the characteristics of a fish- I interpreted this to be enclosed, small and vulnerable. To develop with the thought about the steriotypical look of fish. I thought the generally people assue they are ditsy and dumb so to physicalise this i walked slowly taking lots of pauses. I feel this showed the clueless interpretation of the animal effectivly.

Now to develop this idea to apply it to our monologues we had to think of animals which assosiated the the characters we were playing in our monologues. Below showed of what i felt was approriate for my characters:

"My Mother Said I Never Should": For the character Jackie i chose to embody the characteristics of a Rabbit. I specifically chose this animal as generally they are friendly, caring and sensible however they do have a side which can become angry and aggressive if tension is created.

"School Play": For the character Charlie i chose to embidy the characteristics of a cat. I decided on specially chosing to assosiate my character with this animal as they are quite vicious animal who can be sly and powerful however there phyical appearance can be nice and cute. I feel this applies to Charlie as her physical appreance shows her to be young and not scary but her personality can be bold, mean and mischevious and also antagonistic!

Now when performing our monologue i can also remember this exersice and let it influence my way of performing the peice adding subtle hints of the animal characteristics the devlop the characters.

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