Sunday 7 April 2013

Preparation&Rehearsal-Tension and Relaxation

Another exercise we done to make ourselves familiar with the monologues we would perform for the audition and also help us with the process of learning our lines featured us again reading the monologue out loud however when we came across a form of punctuation in the monologue we would do a 90 degrees turn. This helped us with the points of tension in the monologue and also made us aware of any rising action in the monologue.

This excercise helped me particaully with "My Mother Said I Never Should" monologue as this features a range of emotions and tension at specific points of the monologue. For example i noticed after doing this exercise that at the beginnning of the monologue there is lots of punctuation this influenced how the lines were spoken in the performance. As there was more punctuation at the beginning this therefor made the lines sharp and snappy, this portreyed Jackie's emotions at this point of the monologue as she is angry and shows the monologue starts at a high point of dramatic climax. As the punctutation decreses this shows how she has calmed down and explains in more detail her feelings towards the issue raised in the monologue.

In my other monologue "School Play" i noticed that the highest tension was towards the end of the monologue. This was as Charlie was telling the story of her experience with Miss Fry. The increase in punctuation and having to physically turning 90 degrees at every full stop showed me that the character was experiencing an increase of mixed emotions as she was facing the realisation of how her behaviour at school would dramatically impact her future career if she didnt change her ways soon!

By doing this excerised it not only made me become more familiar with the more in deapth emotions and feeling my characters were experiencing in my monologues i would perform for the audition but it also enabled me to physicalise the points of tension making them more significant and rememberable for the final performance. However i may not perform at the audition using the highest emphasis on tesion but i can use this over dramtic exercise to influence the way the lines are spoken.

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